Please note, the StarLite lettering is always at full brightness because it
is not very intense - even in the dark. It is designed to let you know where
the controls are, but not be too bright. The back lighting may be turned off
using the Display Push switch but the brightness level is not affected by
the Dimmer pot. The StarLite lettering is always at full brightness when it
is on.
The blue digits of the frequency display and channel display can go from
very bright to very dim using our high resolution dimmer circuit. The Dimmer
control pot on the DX959B starts dimming almost immediately when you start
turning it down from maximum. On some radios, the dimming effect is not even
noticeable until you turn the pot a quarter or half turn. This one starts
dimming immediately and dims continuously down to where you can barely
notice the digits are on. This is perfect for night driving. You make the
digits exactly as bright as you like them. Of course, the digits can be shut
off completely with the Display Push switch